Tax consulting services include analysis of all company's operations, together with the analysis of fiscal, accounting and statutory procedures, with the accurate clarifications on the usage of the laws, applicable to the business.
For the development of this job COACH FI seeks accounting and fiscal solutions, including reviewing of its operations, compliance with auxiliary obligations and magnetic files such as SPED analyzing possible reductions of the tax burden, collection of tax credits, framing of fiscal incentives at the federal, state and municipal levels, offering plans to restructure the with improve fiscal efficiency.
Calculation and review of the procedures for calculating the transfer price as provided in the current legislation, through a TP_System system developed and configured in accordance with the rules, controlling the adjustments, anticipating quarterly and / or monthly possible internal actions of the company in function of avoiding the loss of tax revenues.
Analysis of the criteria adopted to prepare the financial statements as a means to guarantee a better result in strategic decisions and interaction of its clients with the market.